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For a brief explanation of some of the sites I've
been Webmaster for, click on one of the following links:
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- Hewlett-Packard
EMC Website - Intranet
Hewlett-Packard SMS Website -
These sites were hosted on HP Unix servers, and everything was done without the use of a
web editor. All HTML coding was done using Super NoteTab Pro.
Perl was used to maintain and amend the programs associated with the two sites..
A tremendous amount of cleanup was done on each site to give the pages a consistent look,
structure files & pages in a more appropriate order, and clean up out-of-date
information. Once the major cleanup was completed, worked with the engineers to add
content to both sites.
As the company name and URL's changed from Hewlett-Packard Company to Agilent
Technologies, Inc., there were many administrative tasks to complete regarding the
navigation structure, e-mail address changes.
- UC Davis Agricultural Center -
Click to see site
This site was co-authored with one other person. We worked with the client to determine
their needs, what type of design they needed, and how they intended to maintain the site.
The goal was a simple site where they could disseminate large amounts of information
from their numerous departments. They also wanted to be able to take over the maintenance
of the site once we developed it.
Once we created the site, we worked with the client to get the site onto the UC Davis
servers as well as to give them some training in the overall site design (and HTML
training help). We also worked with the client after the site was up and running to answer
new questions.