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Andrea L. Cassin-Bowen

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Halloween - 10-31-00:

Yippie, it's Halloween again!

Yippie, it's Halloween again!


Hurry - I hear the kids!

Hurry - I hear the kids!


Ooooh, don't I look scary?

Ooooh, don't I look scary?


This is my really scary look!

This is my really scary look!


Now I'm posing for Mommy!

Now I'm posing for Mommy!


I sure worked hard tonight!

I sure worked hard tonight!


Handing out candy is hard work!

Handing out candy is hard work!


I'm pooped Mommy, let me sleep!

I'm pooped Mommy, let me sleep!


Please, turn the camera off!

Please, turn the camera off!


Quick, is she looking?

Quick, is she looking?


Ah, the temptation!

Ah, the temptation!


Mommy never lets me have fun!

Mommy never lets me have fun!


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